Considerations for EDI equipment concentrated water return to the raw water tank or before RO in pure water system

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13 Sep 2024

Considerations for EDI equipment concentrated water return to the raw water tank or before RO in pure water system

In pure water systems with EDI devices, EDI concentrated water is of good quality and is directly discharged and wasted. It is often recycled to the front water tank for reuse. For example, in the pure water system of a power plant, EDI concentrated water usually flows back to the primary RO pure water tank.

In ultrapure water systems such as semiconductors and electronics factories, it is found that EDI concentrated water will flow back to the raw water tank instead of the front of the RO. Some people think that the design is unreasonable, but in fact, there is a reason for such a design.

Many industries have strict requirements on the TOC content of pure water quality. EDI concentrated water has a certain amount of organic matter. If it returns to the RO host, it will lead to the accumulation of organic matter, TOC, etc.

If it returns to the raw water tank, the organic matter can be adsorbed in the pre-treatment activated carbon.

Therefore, in the ultrapure water design of the clean industry, EDI concentrated water needs to be considered to flow back to the raw water tank.

A.The role of EDI equipment

EDI (Electrodeionization) equipment is a technology used for water treatment, mainly used to produce ultrapure water, and is widely used in the pharmaceutical, electronics, power and other industries. EDI equipment combines the technologies of ion exchange and electrodialysis to remove ions from water through an electric field, thereby continuously producing high-purity water. Its main functions include:

1. Deionization: Effectively remove ions (such as sodium, calcium, chloride ions, etc.) from water to produce high-purity water.
2. No chemical regeneration: Unlike traditional ion exchange equipment, the EDI system does not require chemical regeneration and is automatically regenerated through electrical energy.
3. Continuous operation: It can continuously produce high-purity water without frequent interruptions for maintenance.

B. Daily maintenance of EDI equipment

In order to ensure the efficient operation of EDI equipment, the following are some daily maintenance measures:

1. Check the electrode and voltage regularly: The electrode is the core component of the EDI equipment, and abnormal voltage may cause water quality problems. Therefore, check the electrode voltage regularly to ensure that it works within the normal range.

2. Clean the system regularly: Although EDI equipment does not require chemical regeneration, it still needs to be cleaned regularly, especially when using hard water or more pollutants. Backwashing or chemical cleaning can be used to remove dirt on the membrane.

3. Monitor water quality: Regularly test the conductivity, pH value and other indicators of the inlet and outlet water to ensure that the quality of the inlet water meets the requirements of the EDI equipment. The conductivity of the inlet water should be kept within the appropriate range to avoid overloading the equipment.

4. Replace the pretreatment device: EDI systems are usually equipped with pretreatment equipment (such as reverse osmosis systems), and the pretreatment filter element or membrane needs to be replaced regularly to prevent pretreatment failure from causing equipment damage.

5. Monitor equipment pressure: Ensure that the inlet and outlet pressures of the equipment are within the specified range to avoid high or low pressure from causing damage to the equipment.

C. Price of EDI equipment
The price of EDI equipment varies based on brand, processing power, purpose and configuration. Here are the general price ranges:

1. Small EDI equipment (water production capacity is about 0.5-2 tons/hour): The price is roughly between ¥50,000 - ¥150,000, suitable for small laboratories or enterprises.
2. Medium-sized EDI equipment (water production capacity is about 2-10 tons/hour): The price is usually between ¥150,000 - ¥500,000 RMB, suitable for medium-sized factories or enterprises.
3. Large-scale EDI equipment (water production capacity exceeds 10 tons/hour): the price may exceed ¥500,000 RMB, and is suitable for large-scale industrial production scenarios.
The specific price will also be affected by the equipment material, installation location, brand and other additional services.

D. Advantages of EDI equipment
Compared with traditional water treatment technology, EDI equipment has the following significant advantages:

1. Environmentally friendly and chemical-free regeneration: Traditional ion exchange equipment requires chemical regeneration (such as acid and alkali solutions) and produces waste liquid. The EDI system automatically regenerates electricity without using chemicals, reducing environmental pollution.

2. Continuous production: EDI equipment can continuously produce high-purity water without interruption, avoiding downtime due to regeneration and improving production efficiency.

3. Low operating costs: Since chemical regeneration is not required, the cost of using chemicals is reduced. At the same time, the power consumption of the equipment is low and the overall operating cost is more economical.

4. High water quality: The water quality of the EDI equipment is stable, and the conductivity can be as low as 0.1 μS/cm or even lower. It is suitable for industries that require ultrapure water.

5. Small footprint: Compared with traditional water treatment systems, the EDI system has a compact structure and a smaller footprint, making it suitable for use in factories or laboratories with limited space.

6. Easy maintenance: EDI system maintenance is relatively simple, requiring only regular monitoring and a small amount of cleaning work, which greatly reduces labor maintenance costs.

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